me and my friend have been designing a board game for the last three years. As we are closing in on the final edition, through an endless number of test-games, rule discussions and so on, we have decided to make a homepage about the game. Here we wish to explain the process of creating a board game and discuss things like how to get it printed and where to order game tokens among many other things. I realise three years for designing this game sounds like quite a long time but as you might have guessed this has been kind of a side project to our normal work and studies, with some intense periods (e.g. working 16 hours non-stop for three days in a row cutting out tiles and painting tokens) and some periods of inactivity which sometimes were as long as half a year (we had to relearn all the rules when we picked it up again). Anyhow it has been a lot of fun testing ideas, discussing game mechanisms, and most of all, to create something on your own without any demands or time limits.
A few weeks ago I started translating the rules to English (they were originally in Swedish) and I thought that I could start this homepage project by posting the rules here, since it could be of interest, and any comments on how the game seems to you or if the rules are incomprehensible in some way would be much appreciated.